Sauna Guide - Sauna for Beginners | Küng Wellness
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Sauna for beginners

You don't have to learn how to sweat, everyone can do it: on hot summer days, during sports or when things get hectic. But as soon as you go to the sauna, sweating becomes a headache - and it could be so easy: You just have to free yourself...

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Sweating properly

Naked sauna - naturist culture for health

Freeing yourself in the truest sense of the word: saunas are healthiest when you're naked. If you don't dare to go to the sauna in bikini bottoms or swimming shorts, you won't be thrown out by the other guests. But you risk releasing softeners in your clothes and unhealthy fragrances. It's better to wrap a second towel around your body like a kilt and get used to being naked! You have to loosen up in the sauna anyway: the sweat room is not a place to want to look good. In fact, the sauna is all about you. If, for example, you're thinking about whether to let your hair down or tie it up in the changing room, you should only go there according to your own sense of well-being. And then in the shower, leave all your everyday make-up behind: Perfume, deodorant, make-up - no matter how discreet - do not belong in the sauna. Because the heat potentiates and changes aromas and ingredients and can lead to unpleasant consequences for the skin.

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With caution instead of boehoe

Slowly and consciously

By the way, these men who dive into the cold water pool like a Viking after a sauna session or pour a bucket of ice water over their heads are not practised sauna-goers! The big test of strength may belong in the city gym, but certainly not in the sauna. The experienced sauna-goer leaves the sweat room slowly and deliberately: first sit down, then walk slowly to the door. You breathe in and out deeply outside, take a cold shower. And if you still feel like it, you can take a dip in the tub, the lake or the cold snow.

In-your-face peepers are welcome!

Still and quiet

Free of any disguise, this is the first step towards the sauna. The second step happens secretly, quietly in the mind of each individual. You have to switch from the everyday "checker mode" to a non-judgemental state. In the hot wooden cabin, it's not about who has the biggest belly or who sweats the most - it's about who is most at ease with themselves. So it's better not to look around curiously when you climb onto the sauna lounger, but simply sit or lie down and feel into your own body and head. If they say after a few minutes that it's really getting too hot, you can leave without thinking - no one will look at you funny. They are all busy with themselves and know that a good sauna-goer is one who listens to himself.

No dogmas

Relax in the now moment

If you do it often, taking a sauna can be almost meditative. Because once you have found your routine, you often stick to it. Always at the top right of the bench and always for exactly 15 minutes - of course, this must not become a dogma! Because the body is not a clockwork and sometimes it simply ticks differently. For example, when an infection is lurking in it or a strenuous day is still in its bones. Then it's good to deviate from your routine and go to the sauna for a shorter time or not at all. Because taking a sauna is primarily a cardiovascular workout and should never be done when you are ailing.

The real challenge when taking a sauna is to listen to yourself. Ask yourself: How do I feel? What does my body need today? And not to pay attention to the person next to you. This is almost yoga for the mind - and absolute relaxation is guaranteed under extreme temperature conditions.

Relaxing in the present moment

If you do it often, taking a sauna can almost become a meditation. Because once you have found your routine, you often stick to it. Always on the top right of the bench and always for exactly 15 minutes - of course, this should not become dogma! Because the body is not a clock and sometimes it ticks differently. For example, when an infection is lurking or a tiring day is still in its bones. Then it is good to deviate from the routine and go to the sauna for a shorter period or not at all. Because the sauna is above all a cardiovascular workout and should never be done when you are sick.

The real challenge when taking a sauna is to listen to yourself. Ask yourself: how do I feel? What does my body need today? And pay no attention to the person next to you. It is almost a yoga for the mind, and absolute relaxation is guaranteed by extreme temperature conditions.

Küng Wellness has stood for excellence in sauna buying for years. For our customers, we design customized saunas, steam baths and whirlpools. In our magazine, you can read exciting stories and news about saunas in addition to tips on how to take a sauna properly for beginners. Would you like to buy a sauna or find out what effect a sauna has on your health? Then read all about these topics in our Küng magazine.