Land of milk and honey feeling
The suite was designed by Swiss interior designer Beat Jäggi, who, like the architect of The Chedi, Jean-Michel Gathy, focused on natural materials and the finest craftsmanship. Instead of ostentatious luxury, both are concerned with the highest level of enjoyment and relaxation. To this end, every detail at The Chedi Andermatt has been given extreme attention: from the ski butler service to the guest's own sauna in the suite, which can be controlled via touchscreen.
The land of milk and honey
Entworfen wurde die Suite vom Schweizer Innenarchitekten Beat Jäggi, der ebenso wie der Architekt des Chedi, Jean-Michel Gathy, auf natürliche Materialien und feinste Handwerkskunst setzte. Anstelle von protzigem Luxus geht es beiden um ein Höchstmass an Genuss und Entspannung. Deshalb wurde im The Chedi Andermatt auf jedes Detail geachtet: vom Ski-Butler-Service bis zur eigenen Sauna in der Suite, die per Touchscreen gesteuert werden kann.
What could intresting you also
Technical specifications Sauna
- Mass
218 x 162.5 x 213/220 cm
- Oven
- Controll
- Lighting
- Special features
Frameless glass front with screen printing, oven cladding
- Interior Design
Jaeggi Architekten
- Hotel
The Chedi Andermatt

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